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Server maintenance Thursday 10/4 to cause lab and classroom outages

All classroom A/V stations, Mac Labs and other Mac Manager machines will be down starting at 6:30 PM on Thursday 10/4 for planned server maintenance. This time has been scheduled to try to avoid disrupting CHFA classes.

We will be updating Morpheus and Apollo to Mac OS X Server version 10.1 for performance boosts, and enhanced workstation management. We are also hopeful that this update may help with ongoing connectivity problems.

We anticipate that the updates will go smoothly. All systems should be returned to normal before you return for classes on Friday 10/5. If you encounter a Mac in a classroom or lab that can't find the servers, reset the machine, and it should reconnect. On most Macs the reset button is a small slightly protruding button just below and to the left of the (lighted) power button.

This outage will not affect other servers in CHFA.

Information posted by: Steven Larson, 10/3/2001 2:31:26 AM.