University Power Outage on April 26th, 2001
At approximately 4:55pm Thursday April 26th there was a general power failure on campus. We are pleased to report that all CHFA servers remained up throughout the outage.
We found three complications however:
1. Although our servers and the network switches in CAC stayed up due to our battery backup power, we lost communication to the rest of campus and the Internet because the central switches in Baker are not on backup power.
2. We lost connectivity to local services even within buildings with emergency power due to the University Domain Name Servers (DNS) being down.
3. Any computers and network printers restarting after power resumed were unable to obtain a network address, due to UNI's domain host control protocol (DHCP) being down. Our Macintosh NetBoot labs were able to obtain network addresses from our NetBoot server, however they still were still inoperable due to problems 1 and 2.
UNI's DNS and DHCP servers resumed operation before 7:00pm, restoring full functionality to CHFA computers.
Information posted by: Steven Larson, 4/26/2001 2:42:47 AM.