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Network Outtage in CHFA fixed

Around 6:30pm Network connectivity to CAC/KAB and to RSL Hall appears to have resumed to normal. CHFA|TECH has not received a report from ITS as to what occured and/or what was corrected after we contacted them at 5:15pm CDT.

Information posted by Chris Conklin, 4/7/2002 6:52:42 PM.

Network Outtage effects CHFA over weekend

Reports of problems accessing email, other Internet services, and KeyServer error messages are due to networking problems on campus. Communication Arts Center, that houses CHFA Servers, has unreliable access to the rest of the campus. Russell Hall also appears to have connectivity problems with the rest of campus Saturday and Sunday.

UNI ITS was contacted as soon as CHFA|TECH discovered the network outtage, and ITS is attempting to discover the network problem.

Information posted by Chris Conklin, 4/7/2002 5:31:03 PM.