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CHFA Returning to ITS managed Backup System

ITS will attempt a full backup of CHFA Windows systems Saturday Morning. As such, we have disabled our "in-house" backup system. We will alert users if additional problems occur.

Information posted by Chris Conklin, 11/8/2002 5:24:18 PM.


CHFA Temporary Windows Backup - Was-Windows backups NOT GUARANTEED by ITS

Immediately upon receiving word that ITS was not backing-up our Windows systems data - we started our own backup plan.

Between 5:50pm Friday and 2:30am Saturday - all of the Windows servers and Windows 2000/XP user data was backed up to tape. Our system is unfortunately very slow - but we do have a backup.

We will continue to backup changed files every morning at 2:15am to our DDS-4 tape system, until we have positive information from ITS on their system.

Information posted by Chris Conklin, 11/2/2002 8:52:20 PM.


Windows backups NOT GUARANTEED by ITS

We at CHFA|TECH utilize ITS' large tape backup equipment to ensure safe and timely storage of Windows user's data files. We will examine doing a backup of CHFA files ourselves this weekend since ITS cannot ensure the safety of your data.

From: "Bob Hetrick"
Sent: Friday, November 01, 2002 3:46 PM
Subject: NT/2000 Backups

> Notice - NT/2000 Backup Issues
> The state of our NT/2000 backups have risen to a critical point, in that
> we can no longer guarantee complete backups from that side of the house.
> We are moving on other options and we will continue to pursue nightly
> and weekend backups, however, there are no guarantees.
> Be assured that a high-integrity, reliable backup solution is our first
> priority. We expect to know more on Monday of immediate options and will
> keep you informed as to our progress.
> Novell backups have not been affected and can be considered reliable and
> timely.
> Thank you for your understanding.
> Bob.
> Bob Hetrick \\\\////
> \\\\////
> University of Northern Iowa \\\///
> Network Manager \\//
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> (319)273-2961 / \XXXX/
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Information posted by Chris Conklin, 11/1/2002 4:00:34 PM.