Ebay fraud email - requests your credit card number
This is a tricky email scam that appears to be from Ebay. It is NOT. Instead, people are giving their credit card number to a thief.
NEVER NEVER respond to an email request for your credit card information.
The body of the message will have an Ebay logo and be similar to the message below. The web link ACTUALLY sends you to an non-Ebay web server - the link is intentionally mislabeled as cgi3.ebay.com
Ebay's public posting about privacy of your credit card information was updated 2/23/2003 on their announcement web site
An example of the fraudulent message:
Sent: Tuesday, February 25, 2003 7:18 AM
Subject: Billing Update Requested (URGENT)
Recently we attempted to authorize payment from your credit card we have on file for you, but it was declined.
For security purposes, our system automatically removes credit card information from an account when there is a problem or the card expires.
Please resubmit the credit card, and provide us with new and complete information. To resubmit credit card information via our secure server, click the following link:
This is the quickest and easiest method of getting credit card information to us. Using the secure server will ensure that the credit card will be placed on account within 24 hours.
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Information posted by Chris Conklin, 2/25/2003 4:20:05 PM.