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Auto Logout of Windows lab machines

To anyone that uses the generic login accounts in CHFA Windows computer labs (BAK287, CAC116, FORENSICS, LNG027, LNG213, LNG330, SWT213, PUBLIC - as a guest username) - these machines are being set to log your account session out if you do not touch the keyboard or mouse for a fifteen minute period.

If you are working on a document, and have not saved your work before you leave a machine idle for fifteen minutes (5 minutes on public account) - all applications will be closed, and your work will be lost.

This DOES NOT affect users with personal logins.

A window will appear in the center of the screen and it counts down from 60 seconds - giving you a final opportunity to cancel the log out process - simply by clicking the cancel button.

Information posted by Chris Conklin, 10/21/2003 5:39:53 PM.