Real Audio Speed Issue on Windows
This involves CHFA|TECH task #10931.
The Real One Enterprise Edition Player that is licensed to UNI for streaming video and audio editing will choose a slower speed video/audio stream than is optimal.
After much testing and scratching of our heads we have found that the first time a new user runs this application - the "normal bandwidth" setting is set to 56kb (phone modem), and the "maximum bandwidth" is set to 10Mbps LAN.
Luckily, this is an individual user preference, and is easily changed from inside the RealOne Enterprise player (click on Tools - drop down to Preferences - from the category column choose connection - then set both bandwith normal and maximum settings to "T1/LAN" -- simply hit the Suggested Value button). CHFA|TECH has set this preference in the generic lab accounts - but we cannot set this preference to any other user accounts. We strongly encourage you to set this preference if you have a personal login account -- it is a one-time change, and is saved in your roaming user preferences/profile for use at any CHFA Windows machine.
Information posted by Chris Conklin, 10/21/2003 6:19:36 PM.