CHFA's oldest active server to be retired
Difficulties encountered both last Wednesday and today have prevented this server from being able to be shut down. It is still planned for some time this week.
Information posted by Paul Huber, 12/2/2003 9:38:55 AM.
CHFA's oldest active server to be retired
On Wednesday, we are planning on shutting down our Novell server for good. A specific time has not yet been decided on, but once it is I will provide more details. The biggest questions to answer are probably Why and What effect will this have?
The Novel server's only function for the past couple of years has been maintaining AppleTalk zones. Since data is no longer being stored on it, we have asked that it be removed from the backup schedule, saving the college money. With it being removed from backups, there has been valid concern that if this machine were to crash, it could cripple the remaining Novell computer network on campus. Since AppleTalk zones are not a necessary part of OS X (and AppleTalk itself is not affected, see below), and we have no desire to complicate computing services for the rest of campus, the decision was made just to shut the server down.
What effect will this have for CHFA?
The primary effect is that AppleTalk zones will disappear. This has the potential of affecting two proceedures on Macintosh computers -- printing and file sharing. As stated above, only AppleTalk zones will be affected -- AppleTalk itself will remain functional. If you are using AppleTalk for printing or file sharing, the connection process likely involved selecting AppleTalk, then selecting a Zone such as CAC, LANG, KAMERICK_ART, or RUSSEL, and then selecting a device to connect to (generally, a printer or a file share). With Zones gone, all available devices will show up in a single, potentially fairly long list.
Who will this affect?
First and foremost, this will only affect Macintosh users, and it will only affect very few of those. If the Macintosh computer that you use is running OS X, you likely will not even notice the change. Though it is possible that there is some AppleTalk file sharing going on, we are unaware of any. All file sharing that CHFA|Tech employees have set-up for the past several years has used TCP/IP connections rather than AppleTalk. If after this change you find that you can no longer connect to CHFA Public Files or to Mac Application Masters, please contact us and we will get the changes made as soon as possible.
Printing being affected is far more likely. We are aware of a couple of changes that will have to be made in the Kamerick 250 Computer Lab -- these changes will hopefully be finished on Wednesday as well. Otherwise, changes may have to be made if your computer is running pre-OS X (Mac OS 8 or 9 of some variety would be most common) AND you print to a printer outside of your office. The printer will have to be re-connected to, either using AppleTalk again (and just selecting the printer from a long list rather than by Zone) or via IP (a much more complicated issue in a pre-OS X system.) If you are affected by this printer change, please contact us and we will do our best to get you printing again.
Information posted by Paul Huber, 11/24/2003 9:23:55 AM.