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Network Outtage - Sat 12/13/03

The network outtage appears to have started at 3:24am. The first notification of this outtage came to CHFA|TECH voicemail at 12:16pm, I was called on my cellular phone at 6:06pm. The fiber optical blade was reset at 7:49pm and service was fully restored by 7:51pm.

ITS Network Services knows that this piece of equipment fails in this manner approximately every six months in the 3+ years that it has been installed. Since this is the second time in under a month (November 22) CHFA|TECH will attempt to work with ITS-NS, who is responsible for maintaining the backbone campus network, to make this connection reliable. I also plan to inquire on the roles of ITS-NS and the Colleges to maintain these connections during non-working hours (8AM-5PM Monday through Friday).

CHFA|TECH apologizes for any inconvenience this caused users attempting to finish work at the end of the semester.

Information posted by Chris Conklin, 12/13/2003 9:17:35 PM.

Network Outtage - Sat 12/13/03

Again, as on Saturday November 22nd, a fiber-optics transceiver in Communication Arts Center "locked up" severing connection between CAC and the central campus network.

This left CAC and KAB without access to the Internet, UNI mail servers, and all ITS central servers (DNS and DHCP). All other CHFA buildings were unable to open documents and personal preferences on the servers in the CAC.

This transceiver was "rebooted" at 7:49pm - network connections were restored 7:50/7:51pm. More information will be added to this article soon.

Information posted by Chris Conklin, 12/13/2003 8:06:28 PM.