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Document Server (Mercury) Restored

On Thursday night we recreated the system volume for the server Mercury - at which time the Students document volume was again available.

Unfortunately the staff volume was no longer readable - although all tests ran Thursday night through the day Friday could find any errors to repair.

On Saturday morning we rebuilt the Staff volume and started restoring data from tape backup. This continued through 3:00AM Monday June 28th - at which time we turned on sharing for users and started fixing a few permission errors.

Documents saved to Mercury between 1:00AM Thursday June 24th and the outtage at 5:30pm were lost - and no backup exists.

CHFATECH apologizes for the lengthy downtime, and the lost documents from Thursday.

Information posted by Chris Conklin, 6/28/2004 4:48:29 PM.


Document Server (Mercury) Outtage

Errors on the system volume (drive) for our main document server in CHFA (Mercury) were noted today. After 5:15pm, we restarted the server to run utilities on that hard disk to fix the unknown errors.

Unfortunately the master file table for that volume was damaged beyond recovery. Our tape backups are also unusable for the system volume.

All user data is on another volume (drive) that is OK - but is inaccessible until we have the system volume restored.

We will delay other work on Friday until we have Mercury restored and fully configured as the main document server for all Macintosh and Windows user accounts in CHFA.

Information posted by Chris Conklin, 6/24/2004 11:32:40 PM.