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Terabyte hard disk available for students

Saturday the hard disk array (an Apple XRaid) was expanded for student use. With the addition of two hard disks, we now provide over one terabyte of storage for students taking classes in the College (a terabyte is one thousand gigabytes, or one million megabytes).

With single sign-on from any Macintosh or Windows machine in the College - students now have 850 megabytes of personal storage to use at any lab or office in CHFA.

Similarly, faculty and staff are on a separate set of hard disks and currently have two gigabytes (2048 megabytes) allocated for their usage.

Access to your documents will be speedier in the near future once ITS Network Services prepares connectors to a fiber optical networking cable in our server room. This will increase our 100 megabit per second network connection to one gigabit.

Information posted by Chris Conklin, 7/5/2004 9:13:51 PM.