Accessing Student Document Storage
Students taking CHFA courses in which their professor ask for student disk space or student workers in the College are eligible for 850MB of server storage space.
We cannot honor requests from individual students: only from Professors or other CHFA staff. Faculty and Staff should e-mail chfaTECH@uni.eduwith the UNI email address of any students they wish to have CHFA storage space.
For students to access their storage on a CHFA Windows computer:
1. Login to the computer with your STUDENT login name and password (choose log on to: STUDENT if necessary).
2. For a one-time connection click "start" then "run" - in the run line type \\mercury\students\%username% (%username% is a variable for your login name - you can replace it with your login name). This is your storage space.
For a semi-permanent connection from that one computer you can 'map a drive letter' to that network storage spot:
1. click "start" then right click "My Computer" or "My Network Place" choose "Map Network Drive" Choose a drive letter (we recommend U:) - and type \\mercury\students\%username% in the folder blank. Check the box for "Reconnect at logon" and finally click the finish button.
You can also point the My Documents alias to your network home - again semi-permanently from that ONE computer only:
1. click "start" then right click "My Documents" go down and click properties. Type \\mercury\students\%username% into the "Target" blank and hit OK.
From a Macintosh Computer:
1. Login to the computer with your STUDENT login name and password
2. Click the finder icon (the smily face). Across the top of the screen click on "Go" and drop down to "connect to server"
3. In the server address line type smb://mercury/students and click connect. Before hitting connect, if you click the plus button, that path will be added to the list of favorite servers for your user account on that one computer.
Information posted by Chris Conklin, 8/20/2004 5:26:11 PM.