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Scheduled Outtage- Pluto 11PM FRIDAY 8/27

Due to lack of anyone using Pluto - the reboot was moved up to 6:30. The tape software updated occured without incident.

Information posted by Chris Conklin, 8/28/2004 3:06:30 PM.

Scheduled Outtage- Pluto 11PM FRIDAY 8/27

We will be restarting Pluto at 11PM tonight, August 27th to install new tape backup software. We expect this to take under 30 minutes.

-You will be unable to print to networked printers from CHFA Windows computers during this outtage

-Public Files will not be accessible during this time. If you leave any files open, your connection will be terminated and you may lose work. Please log out of all files when you leave for the day, especially before this 11PM deadline.

-User Profiles - cannot be loaded or saved during this time. CHFA Faculty and staff will get error messages when logging into or out of Windows computers in the College during this outtage.

Information posted by Chris Conklin, 8/27/2004 5:02:54 PM.