Completed- Anti Virus critical update = reboot CHFA servers
File Servers were returned to service before 10:20pm Wednesday.
The large majority of Windows computers in the College were restarted between 12:00 and 12:50am Thursday. Thanks to everyone for leaving computers on for these updates to occur in a timely manner.
Information posted by Chris Conklin, 2/10/2005 12:59:13 AM.
Anti Virus critical update = reboot CHFA servers
We will restart CHFA Windows file servers tonight (Wednesday February 9th) to install critical updates for Symantec Anti Virus. We will begin disconnecting the servers at 10PM - with the expectation of having service restored before Midnight.
This update from Symantec affects our Corporate Edition of Anti Virus as well as their consumer products (Norton Anti Virus 200x). If you use Norton at home, you should update your home computer(s). More information from Symantec about Anti Virus updates
As with last nights updates - CHFA Windows servers Mercury, Pluto and Bacchus are affected. Please log off ALL computers before 10PM tonight (Macintosh or Windows).
You need to leave any Windows computers on for the updates to be installed
tonight - otherwise you will be forced to wait as they install when you turn
the machine on again.
Unlike last night, these updates require us to remove the old Anti Virus software, restart the machines, install the new version and restart again. After that time we will start updating individual Windows XP and 2000 computers in offices with the new version.
I also will attempt to restart as many Windows computers as possible tonight to get the latest Symantec AntiVirus Corporate Edition version installed (CHFA Windows machines currently run 9.00.1400 -- we need to update to 9.03.000 which was released this morning).
Information posted by Chris Conklin, 2/9/2005 3:58:28 PM.