Access UNI webpages blocked as Pop-Ups
Many administrative web pages at UNI (usually accessed through My Universe) are treated as pop-ups by the latest version of Internet Explorer on Windows XP (the version present on all CHFA Windows XP computers).
You can bypass the pop-up blocker at any time by holding the "ctrl" key on your keyboard while clicking on a web link.
If you want to allow all UNI webpages to bypass the Microsoft pop-up blocker do the following:
Start Internet Explorer (assuming you are not already in it while reading this!!)
Click on Tools (across the top of the screen) - Then Pop-up Blocker - then Pop-up Blocker Settings.
On the Pop-up Blocker Settings window type into the "Address of Web site to allow" then click the Add button. You will then see in the "allowed sites" list below an entry for * - meaning any UNI site will bypass the Pop-up blocker.
You may also set the Filter level at the bottom of this screen to reduce or increase the number of pages being blocked. I find the default Medium setting to be best.
Information posted by Chris Conklin, 3/10/2005 4:43:56 PM.