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Software Updates coming May 7th for CHFA Windows computers

Apple is preparing to release Quick Time 7. We will not deploy QuickTime 6.5.2 this coming Friday, but will wait for version 7 to be released by Apple.

Information posted by Chris Conklin, 5/2/2005 9:38:44 AM.

Software Updates coming May 7th for CHFA Windows computers

Starting Friday night, we will release the following updates to CHFA Windows XP computers (we have delayed these updates to meet requests that we not change computers during the final part of the semester).
Firefox (Web Browser) 1.0.3
Thunderbird (Mail client) 1.0.2
Windows Media Player 10
Apple Quick Time player 6.5.2
Core FTP 1.3c

As computers are restarted after Friday night, these updates will be installed automatically during the Windows XP startup.

Information posted by Chris Conklin, 4/28/2005 10:47:05 AM.