*Important* Change to CHFA Student Storage
CHFATECH is eliminating network home directories and roaming user profiles. This is being done to resolve issues with Adobe applications on Macintoshes, Microsoft Office on Macintoshes and interoperability with ITS computer labs.
Students taking classes in CHFA will continue to have 1GB of storage on the student server Bacchus (as long as requested by an instructor or CHFA staff member). You will however need to navigate to this storage manually. Items saved to the desktop will be deleted when you log off the computer.
When using a Macintosh:
If you have a network folder on Bacchus it will appear as a folder icon at the right end of the dock (to the left of the trash). When you click “save” or “save as” in any Macintosh application, be sure to verify the location to which you are saving. You will likely have two folders named Documents, one that is inside your home (house icon) which is temporary and stored on the Macintosh HD, one that on the network server Bacchus. The home (house icon) Documents location is *DELETED* immediately each time you log out of the computer. Anything you leave on the desktop will also be DELETED at log out. Once deleted, these documents can not be recovered. Your PERMANENT private storage is your username under STUDENTS (Globe Icon) or the folder at the right side of the dock. We recommend you save to the Documents folder under your name under STUDENTS. If you do not have a Documents folder, simply create one. Documents you have saved to your Documents (or Desktop) folder prior to September 8th are already under your name on STUDENTS in the respective folder(s).
InDesign on Macintosh: this application will crash if you attempt to save to a network location (STUDENTS for example) and you will lose your work. Please save from InDesign to your home (house icon) or to removable media. After exiting InDesign, you can then copy the file(s) to your network storage location for permanent storage.
When using a Windows computer:
If you have a network folder on Bacchus it appears as drive letter Z: When you click “save” or “save as” in any Windows application, be sure to verify the location to which you are saving. You will likely be prompted to save to My Documents which is temporary and stored in c:\documents and settings\YOURNAME\My Documents. This local My Documents is * DELETED* immediately each time you log out of the computer. Anything you leave on the desktop will also be DELETED at log out. Once deleted, these documents can not be recovered. Your PERMANENT private storage is drive Z: We recommend you save to the Documents folder under your Z: If you do not have a Documents folder, simply create one.
If you have questions please talk to your instructor, a lab monitor, or by contacting CHFATECH by mailto:chfaTECH@uni.edu or phone 3-7349.
Information posted by Chris Conklin, 9/8/2005 5:00:23 PM.