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KeyServer Hardware Replacement goes smoothly

The replacement of KeyServer went very smoothly. There were not reports of outages. After the server was brought back online, all KeyShadows underwent a similar software upgrade to make sure that they were looking at the new machine. Barring hardware failure, this machine should be with us for a few years.

Information posted by Paul Huber, 2/3/2006 5:07:08 PM.

KeyServer Hardware Replacement

Our primary KeyServer hardware will be undergoing a replacement tomorrow morning, primarily due to age. As long as everything goes as planned, there should be no noticeable change or denial of applications. We have back-ups in place in nearly every building that we support to take over in case KeyServer becomes unreachable for a brief time period.

The plan is to take the machine off-line at 8 am tomorrow, back up its data folder, and then bring the new server on-line. The whole proceedure should take less than 15 minutes.

There is a slight chance that a few applications will stop working correctly during this period (Adobe, Macromedia, and Finale applications primarily). If you find that you get a message that an application cannot be launched because it cannot find KeyServer, please try restarting your computer first -- this may solve the problem. If this does not help, let us know what is going on by calling us at 3-7349.

Thank you

Information posted by Paul Huber, 1/31/2006 4:41:52 PM.