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Password change Friday for CHFA Windows and Macintoshes

From UNIOnline:
Due to a compromise of UNI's active directory authentication system, ITS requires a password change for all Active Directory users. All Active Directory passwords will expire Friday morning, April 7.
UNI Online Archive

This is the account used to login to all CHFA Windows computers, and all CHFA classroom and lab Macintosh computers (a majority of Macintosh in faculty and staff offices). This account is also used for Wireless and VPN use.

The new password must meet UNI password policy criteria
UNI Password Guidelines

After ITS makes this change on Friday, you will be forced to change your password at the login screen of a CHFA Windows or applicable Macintosh computer.

Students with problems changing their passwords need to visit the Innovative Teaching and Technology Center (ITTC) room 36.
CHFA Faculty and Staff should visit the CHFATECH Main Office - Communication Arts Center (CAC) room 106, or call 3-7349 between 8AM and 5PM.

Information posted by Chris Conklin, 4/5/2006 5:38:45 PM.