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CHFA|TECH maintains many specialized labs. Much of CHFA|TECH's software is lab independent; however, many labs have specialized hardware that expands the capabilities of the software.

The range of technologies and capabilities within CHFA is great. We have labs that listen to singing and labs that will help you design buildings. You can create and edit videos, analyze your speech patterns, create marching band formations, manipulate photos and text, monitor foreign newscasts, burn your own CDs, and analyze statistics.

Faculty, staff, as well as students taking selected classes, have individual login names and private storage space on a CHFA server. Thus, your preferences and files stay with you no matter where you go within the College of Humanities and Fine Arts.

CHFA|TECH maintains a three-year rotation for computers within its labs. This ensures that all labs have relatively recent equipment.

Choose a CHFA Computer Lab below to view hours, maps, and other information:

Communication Arts Center

CAC 115
CAC 116
CAC 204

Strayer-Wood Theatre

SWT 213

Kamerick Art Building

KAB 250

Russel Hall

RSL 117
RSL 120

Lang Hall

LNG 212
LNG 213
LNG 330
LNG 027

Baker Hall

BAK 287